lorelei uhl - battlecraft aetherologist


name: lorelei uhl
nickname: lyhe'ra
pronouns: he/they/she
gender: genderfluid
sexuality: polyamorous bisexual
alignment: chaotic neutral
age: ~30yrs
height: 6'0" (183cm)
race: miqo'te
languages: common
origin: sharlayan
affiliation: sharlayan
physique: androgynous, athletic build. lean, with most of his strength being in his core and legs.
echo: yes, but unaware.
relationship status: taken x2
role: battlecraft aetherologist, occultist, and part-time bounty hunter
pros: confident, witty, and loyal
cons: dramatic, stubborn, and incredibly obsessive


- out of all the children his mothers had together, lorelei is the youngest by several years. his older brother, lyhe'a, went missing some years ago. he has mixed feelings about the incident- lorelei is an avid enjoyer of haute coture, theater, and the arts as a whole. were it not for his fixation on weapon schematics, he likely would have pursued theater as a career choice!- lorelei field tests his own weapons! realistically though, this is his excuse to pick up bounty hunting as a way to pass the time. what's more fun than hunting down those who would cause others harm?- with his family hailing from a long line of yafaemi void scholars, lorelei is almost never without his amorphic, avian-adjacent voidsent companion, raum. more often than not, the voidsent takes the form of a small crow. easier on the eyes and more passable in public places!- more often than not, lorelei has good intentions at heart when it comes to protecting that which he cares for. however, he's notorious for taking things a little too far on occasion, sometimes making the situation worse than it was before- hates the color orange. specifically what he refers to as "traffic cone orange".

out of character

- hey! my name is dave (he/they)! i'm 23 and i've been roleplaying in ffxiv since stormblood!- i am comfortable with both discord and ingame rp! i mirror styles, but i prefer that multi-para rp take place over discord! my timezone is CST and i work a full time job, so keep that in mind!- while lorelei is polyamorous, he is spoken for and i am not looking to develop any sexual/romantic relationships with him at this time. sorry!- if something is not my vibe, I reserve the right to back out of a situation if need be. while i am a horror fan and i do love darker themes, please run it by me in advance if you have something in mind. there's certain shit that i refuse to engage with.- i am ABSOLUTELY LGBT+ friendly!- i believe in having fun with ffxiv lore. have fun with it, but also keep it in mind as general guidance. that being said, i'm totally chill with interacting with voidsent, norvrandt-based characters, or whatever else you might have in mind!- feel free to give me a poke via /tell if i miss your message! i'll get back to you as soon as i can! cheers!- art of lorelei on the first page is done by the lovely una, the second page by clownpire, and the third by SirScarab. thank you all!